How to Use a Condom 9 Steps for Safety

Check the Expiration Date

The first step to using a condom correctly is making certain it's still usable. That's why it's important to check the expiration date on the condom package before opening it.
Do not use condoms that have expired.
The condom in the photo above has an expiration date of 2012/09. That's not a condom anyone should be using today!
Feel for the Air Bubble

If the air bubble is there, it means that the package hasn't been punctured.
Therefore the condom should also be intact. The air bubble is actually there for just this reason. It's a way to protect condoms against accidental or intentional degradation and damage.
Open the Condom Carefully

Don't use fingernails or scissors to open a condom package. The foil packets that condoms come in are pretty easy to tear.
Using a sharp object increases the risk of ripping or tearing the condom along with the package.
Check That the Condom Is Right Side Out

Condoms should go on like a hat, not like a shower cap. You know the condom is right side up if you can roll it down easily. You shouldn't have to stick your fingers inside the condom to unroll it.
If you accidentally put the condom on upside down, throw it out and start again.
If the condom has come into contact with the head of the penis, it may be contaminated with secretions. This is also why you should wash your hands before putting on a condom if you've been touching yourself or your partner intimately.
Make a Little Room

You will therefore want to unroll the condom slightly before placing it on the penis. You do not need to do this step if you are using the condom over a sex toy.
Place the Condom On

If you don't, there will not be enough space to contain the ejaculate. This could cause the condom to break. It is also essential to make sure there is no air trapped in the tip of the condom that could make it more likely to break.
Sometimes putting a little bit of lube in the tip of the condom before putting it on can help to avoid an air bubble.If you don't like that sensation, just check that the air is out of the condom before putting it on.
It shouldn't feel like there is an inflated balloon at the tip.
Unroll the Condom All the Way

Doing this will help reduce the risk of transmission of any STDs that are transferred from skin to skin, such as syphilis. It also makes the condom less likely to slip than if it is only rolled down partway.
Hold Onto the Condom When Withdrawing

If a condom remains behind in your partner after withdrawal, twist the end of the condom shut before removing it.
That will help contain any secretions.
Throw Away the Condom

When throwing away a condom after sex, it may be a good idea to wrap it in toilet paper or tissue to prevent it from leaking and making a mess. This is particularly true if you're throwing away the condom in a trash can without a liner.
A Word From Verywell
Condoms don't just make your sex life safer. They can make it better as well.When you know you're protecting yourself from both pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases it does wonders for your peace of mind. Make sure to follow these safety tips for fun without worry.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Condom Fact Sheet in Brief. 2013.